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At Its Annual Meeting, Chispo Sets Out Fresh Goals, and Vows to Realize Glorious Achievements in 2021!

Recall the past, then look ahead! In light of the sporadic resurgence of COVID-19 cases, the headquarters and Xi’an bra...


Chispo Assisted the First AIPPI China Conference in 2020 to be Successfully Held

On August 28, 2020, the First AIPPI China Conference about hot issues on the trademarks was held in Beijing, which is the...


United Together to Do the Best for All - CHISPO Donates Materials To Fight The Epidemic

These days, many countries around the world have erupted with outbreaks of COVID-19. At the same time as China has achiev...


Chispo Attended the AIPPI World Congress in 2019

The 2019 AIPPI World Congress successfully ended at 4 am Beijing time on September 19, 2019. More than 2,400 elites in th...


CHISPO joins the China Anti-Infringement and Anti-Counterfeit Innovation Strategic Alliance(CAASA)

On July 22, 2019, Secretary-General Daofeng Sheng and Minister Ying Hou from the China Anti-Infringement and Anti-Counter...


Company relocation announcement

Dear customers, thanks for your long-term trust and support of our company! All employees of CHISPO ATTORNEYS AT LAW expr...
