- Trademark registration consulting, trademark search
- Trademark applications, changes, renewals, etc.
- Non-litigation trademark right-granting and verification cases, such as trademark oppositions, trademark invalidation declarations, responses, Three-Year Non-Use cancellations, review of refusal, etc.
- Recording of trademark license, re-issuance of certificate
- Trademark monitoring and providing monitoring report
- Trademark administrative disputes
- Trademark infringement disputes and ownership disputes
- Trademark protection strategy
- Drawing up trademark management rules for clients
- Well-known trademark recognition
- Customs' protection of trademark rights
- Diagnosis and evaluation of trademark problems
- Solutions of difficult issues in non-litigation cases
- Drafting and negotiating coexistence agreements
- Other trademark services
- Trademark transactions
- The related services of Hong Kong, China
- Trademark registration consulting, trademark search
- Trademark applications, changes, renewals, etc.
- Non-litigation trademark right granting and verification, such as oppositions, invalidation declarations, responses, three-year non-use cancellation, refusal reviews, etc.
- Trademark license recording and certificate re-issuance
- Trademark monitoring and drafting of monitoring reports
- Trademark administrative disputes
- Trademark infringement and ownership disputes
- Trademark protection strategy formulation
- Designing trademark management rules for clients
- Assisting qualified trademarks achieve “well-known trademark protection” status
- Customs protection of trademark rights
- Diagnosis and evaluation of trademark problems
- Expert handling of nuanced non-litigation cases
- Drafting and negotiating co-existence agreements
- Trademark transactions
- Hong Kong related trademark services