- Patent applications for invention, utility model and design
- PCT International Patent Application
- Reexamination of patent applications
- Foreign-related patent applications and patent search
- Patent invalidation
- Patent administrative litigation
- Competitor patent monitoring
- Search and analysis for patent infringement
- Patent infringement litigation and ownership litigation
- Patent protection strategy planning
- Design, diagnosis and formulation of corporate patent strategy plans
- Patent strategy analysis of corporate patents, R & D project establishment and project risk patent investigation
- Customs protection of patent rights
- Patent management services
- Patent mining and patent quality control
- Annual patent fee payment and other agency services
- Commercialization services, such as professional licenses, R & D agreements, manufacturing agreements and confidentiality agreements
- Patent training
- Other patent related services
- The related services of Hong Kong, China
- Invention, utility model and design applications
- PCT international patent applications
- Patent application re-examination
- International patent applications and patent search
- Patent invalidation
- Patent administrative litigation
- Competitor patent monitoring
- Patent infringement search and analysis
- Patent infringement and ownership litigation
- Patent protection strategy formulation
- Corporate patent strategy design, diagnosis and formulation
- Customs protection of patent rights
- Patent management services
- Annual patent fee payment and other agency related services
- Patent commercialization services, such as professional licenses, R&D, manufacturing and confidentiality agreements
- Patent training for clients
- Other patent related services
- Hong Kong related patent services